Ariyaporn (Mimi) Haripottawekul
Experience working with the Pandemic Center, in their own words:
What has been your involvement with the Pandemic Center and its team or issues? What's the most important lesson you’ve learned from your involvement with the Pandemic Center?
In Fall 2023, I took the class Pandemic Game Changers, which discussed public health and public policy issues vital to mitigating pandemic risks. Engaging with two experts in the field and gaining hands-on experience in analyzing current biosafety and biosecurity matters taught me more than I could have learned in a traditional setting. I found the course to be exceptionally effective and believed it would be beneficial to share this approach with a wider audience. As such, I am now involved in the development of teaching material for the Game Changers workshop, set to be held in Addis Ababa in the latter part of 2024. From these experiences, I learned the importance of preparedness and proactive measures in addressing global health crises, and of using existing resources and expertise to develop effective solutions.
What have been some of your goals, and how will you make a difference as a ‘game changer’?
My goals are to increase awareness of the perspectives taken and problem-solving skills used by global health experts, and their collaborative strategies within the field. I also aim to empower
individuals–especially students and early career professionals–to approach complex global health problems with clarity and innovation. As a ‘game changer,’ I want to help foster deeper understanding of ongoing issues and create opportunities for others to engage in hands-on practice of critical thinking and scenario analysis.
What’s your advice or message to the next class of game changers and pandemic decision makers?
If you’re in school, leverage the resources available to you! While you can learn a lot from a classroom setting, engaging with faculty and experts will provide you with a more nuanced perspective on many subjects. This interaction is also a great way to stay updated with the most current and relevant news.
It’s also important to take an active role in synthesizing the lessons and strategies you have learned and to consistently practice applying them. The more you practice using new frameworks, the more natural it becomes, and the more effectively you will be able to utilize these ways of thinking in the future.